Promote Functional Mobility with Massage and Manual Therapy for Geriatrics


Course Description

Course Description:

There is an increasing need for skilled hands-on care to address the challenges of our aging population. Therapeutic massage has proven to be beneficial in managing the symptoms of medical conditions associated with aging, improving quality of life in the golden years. Therapeutic massage is an essential component of a treatment plan for seniors, with proven efficacy in the evidence-based literature for improving functional outcomes.

Intervention approaches for specific problems of the elderly (such as circulatory deficits, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis, dementia, balance issues, and chronic pain) are discussed. Evidence reveals how therapeutic massage may be readily implemented as part of a treatment program to achieve better functional outcomes in elderly patients. You will be surprised at how little time it takes to make a significant different in function with massage therapy.

Contact Hours: 3
Video Course Format: Video
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate